Elizabeth Minott

Elizabeth Minott’s practice area is primarily transactional. Her field of expertise is in matters related to research. This covers corporate sponsored research contracts as well as state and federal grants and contracts. Ms. Minott also works on intellectual property matters, and facilitating university/industry collaborations. Her research practice also includes research compliance – human subjects (IRB); animal research (IACUC); conflict of interest issues and research misconduct.
Ms. Minott also specializes in copyright issues, including advising the Alexander Library, the Zimmerli Art Museum, and the Office of Research Commercialization on such issues as on-line education, digitization, DMCA, open access and commercialization of University copyrighted works. She works closely with the Trademark Office, and is responsible for Open Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act issues. In addition, Ms. Minott works extensively with the Compliance Office on State Ethics issues, and has an expansive transactional practice that covers various University contracts ranging from equipment purchases to complex multi-institution collaborations and affiliations.
Ms. Minott started her legal career as an associate in tax and benefits at Ropes & Gray in Boston. She received a B.A. and an M.A. from Harvard University and a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center.
Support Staff
Irene Arroyo, Senior Legal Administrative Assistant
Liberty Plaza
335 George Street, Suite 2160
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 848-932-7697
Fax: 732-932-6913
Email: iarroyo@ogc.rutgers.edu